XYGATE Merged Audit Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
XYGATE Merged Audit
Reference Manual
Chapter 9. Troubleshooting
XYPRO Technology Corporation 160 Proprietary and Confidential
9.2.3 Send a Test SYSLOG Message to the Log Warehouse
Use the XMA_MANAGER to send a test message to the log warehouse system.
(Refer to chapter Chapter 5, “Using XMA_MANAGER.”)
1. Logon as the XMA owner in order to run XMA_MANAGER.
2. Load the XMA TACL segment, start the XMA_MANAGER and select
option 2: Movers.
3. To use the IPALERT message, select option 16: Test basic Alerts in the Movers
Management Menu. (Refer to section 5.4 starting on page 101.)
4. When prompted for an alert type, select U for UDP Syslog.
Please enter the alert type <(M)ail, (S)NMP Trap, (U)DP Syslog, (T)CP/IP
Syslog, or (C)ollector> -> U
You will see the following prompts:
To modify any of the items below choose an option
otherwise select R to continue :
1: DNS name or IP Address :
2: Port :512
3: Node :\N1
4: IP Process :$ZTC0
X: Exit from this menu
R: Run
To clear the value for options that can be cleared, please enter '*'
Selection ?
Select the appropriate option number above to set the correct IP address and
PORT for the target log warehouse system and the NonStop TCP/IP process that
will send the message.
6. Select R: Run to initiate the test message.