XYGATE Merged Audit Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
XYGATE Merged Audit
Reference Manual
Appendix G: Data Mapping
XYPRO Technology Corporation 250 Proprietary and Confidential
Mapping Notes
File Structure:
The UALOGD file contains records that consist of two parts. The first part is a fixed-
length area containing fixed-length fields. The second part is a large buffer containing
data in XML format. Information is being extracted from this data and used to populate
columns in the XMA database. The data mapping notes below will include the
appropriate XML Tags.
BASE24-eps Note 1
OUTCOME: <ErrorData> OK = 1
Any other value = 3
Tag Missing = 4
BASE24-eps Note 2
OBJECTTYPE if <TableName> tag present = TABLE, otherwise USER
BASE24-eps Note 3
OBJECTNAME if OBJECTTYPE = TABLE then the value from <TableName>
BASE24-eps Note 4
BASE24-eps Note 5
BASE24-eps Note 6
Column Data
Based on the operation there are variations on the structure for individual columns
within a table.
Operation = Insert:
<columnname> name</columnname>
Column name value
Column pin_crfy_prfl UT_ALL