XYGATE Merged Audit Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
XYGATE Merged Audit
Reference Manual
Chapter 2. Sending Data to Your ArcSight SIEM
XYPRO Technology Corporation 32 Proprietary and Confidential
2. For each Filter Definition below the !Begin until the !End line is encountered,
make the following change:
a. Locate the three lines of text shown below:
Comment out the line:
Remove the exclamation point ( ! ) in the last two lines as follows:
Note: If your XMA installation is version 2.10 or greater, changes to the FILTERS
file are not in effect until the file is recompiled.
2.5.3 Upgrading the Log Adapter Filter Definitions
Periodically, as new products are added to XMA or new audit information is added to
existing audits, the ArcSight Log Adapter will be updated. Use the LAF macro to apply
the contents of the updated LAFARC file to your FILTERS file.
To support updates, the ArcSight section within the FILTERS file has been marked
with the following text:
! Begin ArcSight Log Adapter Filters - Version 1.05
! End ArcSight Log Adapter Filters
Important! Do not remove these lines!
Note: If you run the LAF macro more than once, the processing will remove the
existing ArcSight section in your FILTERS file and insert the information from
the LAFARC file. If you have customized any of the Filter Definitions in the
ArcSight section of the FILTERS file, you will have to re-apply the changes.
2.6 Step 4. Start and Monitor Your MOVERs
This step describes how to start and stop the MOVERs using XMA_MANAGER
described in Chapter 5.
2.6.1 Tools for Managing Your Pathway and MOVERs
The XMA Pathway can be started and stopped via XMA_MANAGER, Pathway menu
shown in section 5.2 on page 99, or by using the macros that have been provided for