HP OneView REST API Reference

enclosures.html[10/17/2013 10:35:21 AM]
Retrieve environmental configuration data for a given enclosure resource:
GET https://{appl}/rest/enclosures/{id}/environmentalConfiguration
PUT Sets the calibrated max power of an unmanaged or unsupported enclosure.
Request Header Attributes Description
REST API Request Headers NOTE: The X-API-Version header is required for all APIs. For the current
release, this must be set to "X-API-Version:3"
Request Body Attributes Description
EnvironmentalConfigurationUpdate Required Object that contains the new
calibrated max power
Response Description
EnvironmentalConfiguration The updated environmental
configuration for the enclosure.
Response Codes
REST API Response Codes
PUT https://{appl}/rest/enclosures/123-45-67-89-
"calibratedMaxPower" : 2500
URI: /rest/enclosures/{id}/refreshState
Method API
PUT Refreshes the enclosure to fix configuration issues.
Request Header Attributes Description
REST API Request Headers NOTE: The X-API-Version header is required for all APIs. For the current
release, this must be set to "X-API-Version:3"
Request Body Attributes Description
RefreshStateConfig Required The new refresh state to set on the enclosure.
Response Description
TaskResourceV2 Returns a task resource that can be used to
monitor the
progress of the enclosure refresh.
Response Codes
REST API Response Codes