HP OneView REST API Reference

alerts.html[10/17/2013 10:35:10 AM]
type: string
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
start: description: The row or record number of the first resource returned in the specified
type: integer
eTag: description: Entity tag/version ID of the resource, the same value that is returned in the
ETag header on a GET of the resource
type: string
members: type: array
uri: description: Contains the URI for this alert and should
be used for any operations on the alert.
The uri is automatically generated and
cannot be edited.
maxLength: 128
type: string
minLength: 0
assignedToUser: description: The user assigned to this alert.
maxLength: 255
type: string
minLength: 1
category: description: The category is used to help identify the
kind of resource. The category of this
resource will always be set to 'alerts'.
type: string
resourceUri: description: URI of the resource. This will be same as
the resourceUri defined in
AssociatedResource object
minLength: 1
required: true
type: string
maxLength: 128
severity: description: The severity of the alert:Unknown - avoid
using this value, except on rare occasions
when severity is genuinely not known. OK
- indicates normal/informational behavior.
Disabled - not a valid severity for an Alert
and will be obsoleted. Warning - needs
attention soon. Critical - needs immediate