HP OneView REST API Reference

enclosures.html[10/17/2013 10:35:21 AM]
in the bay.
maxLength: 255
type: string
minLength: 0
type: description: Identifies the
resource type. This
field must be set to
type: string
deviceUri: description: URI for the server-
hardware in the
maxLength: 255
type: string
minLength: 0
bayNumber: description: Device Bay
required: true
type: integer
total: description: The total number of resources that would be returned from the query (including any filters),
without pagination or enforced resource limits
type: integer
type: description: Identifies the resource type. This field must be set to 'EnclosureList'.
type: string
description: The firmware baseline.
type: object
fwBaselineUri: description: A firmware-drivers URI for the firmware bundle containing the baseline firmware.
type: string
isFwManaged: description: Flag indicating whether the firmware is managed.
type: boolean
firmwareUpdateOn: description: Option specifying which firmware components to update. Valid values are
EnclosureOnly and EnclosureLogicalInterconnectProfiles.
type: string