HP OneView REST API Reference

logical-interconnects.html[10/17/2013 10:35:29 AM]
count Optional Optional parameter that specifies the number of resources to return from each API invocation. The number of resources returned on
each call is referred to as a page. If you specify a count, the API attempts to return the specified number of resources, however
this may be limited due to response time constraints and/or actual number of resources available to return. The results include the
total number of resources that match the filter or query, the actual count returned, and the URIs to go to the next page,
previous page, or both. If necessary, you can make several requests using the URI for the next or previous page (or different start
parameters) to get the desired count.
sort Optional The sort order of the returned data set. By default, the sort order is based on the create time, with the oldest entry first.
Request Header Attributes Description
REST API Request Headers NOTE: The X-API-Version header is required for all APIs. For the current release, this must be set to "X-API-Version:3"
Response Description
LogicalInterconnectCollection A paginated collection of logical interconnects resources
Response Codes
REST API Response Codes
Get the first 10 logical interconnects in the domain:
GET https://{appl}/rest/logical-interconnects?start=0&count=10
Get all logical interconnects in the domain:
GET https://{appl}/rest/logical-interconnects
URI: /rest/logical-interconnects/locations/interconnects
Method API
POST Adds an interconnect at the given location.
Parameter Attributes Description
Attributes Description
REST API Request Headers NOTE: The X-API-Version header is required for all APIs. For the current release, this must be set to "X-API-Version:3"
Attributes Description
Location Required The location where an interconnect is to be added
Response Description
TaskResourceV2 An object that can be used to track the progress of the interconnect addition operation to completion
Response Codes
REST API Response Codes
Add a interconnect at the specified location:
POST https://{appl}/rest/logical-interconnects/locations/interconnects