HP OneView REST API Reference

connection-templates.html[10/17/2013 10:35:35 AM]
Request Header Attributes Description
REST API Request Headers NOTE: The X-API-Version header is required for all APIs. For the
current release, this must be set to "X-API-Version:3"
Request Body Attributes Description
ConnectionTemplate Required The input connection template to be updated
Response Description
ConnectionTemplate The updated connection template
Response Codes
REST API Response Codes
Update the connection template with the ID 9b8f7ec0-52b3-475e-84f4-
PUT https://{appl}/rest/connection-templates/9b8f7ec0-52b3-475e-
Request Body:
"bandwidth": {"maximumBandwidth":10000,"typicalBandwidth":2000},
description: ConnectionTemplate governs the bandwidth limits for connections which use a network. Each
network (Ethernet, FibreChannel, or NetworkSet) is associated with a ConnectionTemplate
type: object
status: description: Overall health status of the resource. The following are the valid values for the status of
the resource:Unknown - should be avoided, but there may be rare occasions where
status is Unknown; OK - indicates normal/informational behavior; Disabled - indicates
that a resource is not operational; Warning - needs attention soon; Critical - needs
immediate attention.
type: string
category: description: Resource category used for authorizations and resource type groupings
type: string
description: description: Brief description of the resource
type: string
created: description: Date and time when the resource was created
pattern: [1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-([0-1][0-9])-[0-3][0-9]T[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](.[0-9][0-9][0-9])?