HP OneView REST API Reference

power-devices.html[10/17/2013 10:35:43 AM]
state: description: Current state of the iPDU as a
type: string
enum: Configured
partNumber: description: Part number of the iPDU core
type: string
model: description: The model name of the iPDU
core unit.
type: string
firmwareVersion: description: The firmware version on the iPDU
core unit.
type: string
id: description: The internal identifier of the resource.
readonly: true
required: true
type: string
category: description: Resource category used for authorizations and resource
type groupings
type: string
lineVoltage: description: The line voltage (input) of this power device in volts. If
unspecified, the default line voltage will be used for power
type: integer
uuid: description: The universally unique identifier of the resource.
type: string
readonly: true
loadSegmentId: description: The load segment index, enumerated starting with one (1),
in a discovered power topology. This is relevant for iPDUs;
for other power devices it should be set to null
type: integer
readonly: true
minimum: 0
coreId: description: The core index, enumerated starting with one (1), in a
discovered power topology. This is relevant for iPDUs; for
other power devices it should be set to null
type: integer