HP OneView REST API Reference

users.html[10/17/2013 10:35:59 AM]
REST API Response Codes
PUT https://{appl}/rest/users/{userName}/roles?multiResource=true
Example :
Modifies the roles of existing user testUser
"type" : "RoleNameDtoV2",
"roleName" : "Infrastructure administrator"
"type" : "RoleNameDtoV2",
"roleName" : "<another role that may co-exist>"
description: The ResetPassword is a data transfer object to reset the administrator user's password. Used by the
pwreset account for an emergency reset of the administrator password and should be used only for
emergency reset purposes. Checks are made to ensure that the caller is local and on the console
type: object
newPassword: description: New password of administrator to be reset. Password should not contain any of < > ; ,
\" ' & \\/ | + : = and space
type: string
pattern: ^[^<>;,\"'&\\\\/|+:= ]+$
required: true
minLength: 8
maxLength: 40
description: The RoleAssign object is a data transfer object to assign roles to an existing user. User cannot modify
roles of own account. Role Names are case sensitive.
type: object
userName: description: The userName must represent a valid user present in the appliance
type: string