HP OneView 1.05 User Guide

Server hardware health monitoring
For server hardware with a Critical or Warning status, the associated server profile might be
in failed state, so you need to verify it as well.
Related informationMonitoring step
See the UI help for Server Hardware and About
Activity” (page 189).
1. Expand the server hardware alert to see more
information. You can view alerts from the Server
Hardware screen, Activity screen, or the Dashboard
2. Follow the instructions in the recommended resolution
(if any) or research the alert to correct the problem.
See the UI help for Server Profiles.3. Ensure the server profile was properly assigned to the
server hardware.
Network health monitoring
To monitor the current health of a network, navigate to the Interconnects and Logical Interconnects
resources to view recent activity, alerts and notifications, and current health status.
For interconnects, a healthy state is Configured
For logical interconnects, a healthy state for stacking is Redundantly Connected
Related informationMonitoring step
See the UI help for Logical Interconnects.1. View the activities and states for logical interconnects.
View the health of Downlink ports and Uplink ports on
the Interconnects screen. View the Stacking mode of the
interconnects on the Logical Interconnects screen.
About Activity” (page 189)2. Follow the instructions in the recommended resolution
(if any) or research the alert to correct the problem.
26.2.2 Best practices for monitoring health using REST APIs
To ensure the health of the managed components in your data center environment, follow these
best practices.
Overall health monitoring
Server hardware health monitoring
Network health monitoring
Overall health monitoring
Monitoring step
Filter alerts based on severity or date to view current health issues.
GET /rest/alerts?filter="severity='{UNKNOWN, OK, WARNING, CRITICAL}'"&filter="created='{YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ}'"
NOTE: The DISABLED severity is not applicable to alerts.
See the REST API scripting online help for more information about alerts.
Get alerts for a specific physical resource type, such as server hardware.
GET /rest/alerts?filter="physicalResourceType='{physical_server}'"
See the REST API scripting online help for more information about server hardware.
26.2 Best practices for monitoring data centers 187