10.5 HP StoreVirtual LeftHand OS Command Line Interface User Guide (AX696-96242, March 2013)

HP StoreVirtual CLI| Commands| 25
This command reconfigures the RAID setting on a storage system.
Availability: Windows, SSH
Version: 8.0
Request Syntax
cliq configureRaid configuration= login= userName= passWord=
login Required The IP addresses or DNS-resolvable names of one or more storage
userName Conditional The authentication user name for the storage system. (Parameters
userName/passWord or groupName must be specified).
passWord Conditional The password for the storage system. (Parameters userName/passWord
or groupName must be specified).
groupName Conditional The name of the management group with cached credentials.
(Parameters userName/passWord or groupName must be specified).
configuration Required The RAID type to set. The possible RAID levels are reported with the cliq
getNsmInfo command.
cliq configureRaid configuration="RAID 10" login=
userName=admin passWord=secret
cliq configureRaid configuration="RAID 10"
This command connects an already present array volume to an application server host.
Availability: Windows
Version: 8.0
Request Syntax
cliq connectVolume volumeName= login= userName= passWord=
login Required The IP addresses or DNS-resolvable names of one or more storage
userName Conditional The authentication user name for the storage system. (Parameters
userName/passWord or groupName must be specified).
passWord Conditional The password for the storage system. (Parameters userName/passWord
or groupName must be specified).
groupName Conditional The name of the management group with cached credentials.
(Parameters userName/passWord or groupName must be specified).
volumeName Required The name of the volume
initiatorport Optional The initiator port number.
persistent Optional Automatically restore iSCSI connection when the computer starts up.