10.5 HP StoreVirtual LeftHand OS Command Line Interface User Guide (AX696-96242, March 2013)

82| HP StoreVirtual CLI| Commands
Using a stridePages value other than the default may impact volume IO performance.
Using an initialQuota value other than the default may impact volume IO performance.
Enabling checksums may impact volume IO performance.
Changing the replication level of this volume will cause it to restripe, and may impact IO
Request Syntax
cliq modifyVolume description= login= userName= passWord= volumeName=
login Required The IP addresses or DNS-resolvable names of one or more storage
userName Conditional The authentication user name for the storage system. (Parameters
userName/passWord or groupName must be specified).
passWord Conditional The password for the storage system. (Parameters userName/passWord
or groupName must be specified).
groupName Conditional The name of the management group with cached credentials.
(Parameters userName/passWord or groupName must be specified).
volumeName Required The name of the volume
description Optional Optional description
replication Optional The replication level for the volume (1|2|3|4)
parity Optional The number of parity storage systems for the data on this volume. This
enables parity network RAID on the volume. Replication and parity
are supported in the following combinations: replication:1, parity:0
Network RAID-0 (None), replication:2, parity:0 Network RAID-10
(2-way Mirror), replication:3, parity:0 Network RAID-10+1 (3-way
Mirror), replication:4, parity:0 Network RAID-10+2 (4-way Mirror),
replication:2, parity:1 Network RAID-5 (Single parity), replication:3,
parity:2 Network RAID-6 (Dual Parity)
checkSum Optional 0 - the volume does not use checksums1 - the volume uses checksums
thinProvision Optional 0 = the volume does not use thin-provisioning, 1 = The volume is thin-
provisioned (in a thinly provisioned volume, reserve may be < length)
autogrowSeconds Optional The amount to grow the volume when it is thin-provisioned and new
pages must be added, based on the current growth rate - a value of 0
means no autogrow
clusterName Optional The name of the cluster
size Optional The size of the volume, with units specified: <n>MB - n Megabytes
(1024 Kilobytes), <n>GB - n Gigabytes (1024 Megabytes), <n>TB - n
Terabytes (1024 Gigabytes)
autogrowpages Optional Automatically grow the pages.
cliq modifyVolume description="New Description" login=
userName=admin passWord=secret volumeName=TheVolume
cliq modifyVolume description="New Description" volumeName=TheVolume