11.0 HP StoreVirtual LeftHand OS Command Line Interface User Guide (AX696-96291, September 2013)

suggested start with those required for the command, followed by optional
parameters. No mutually exclusive parameters will be suggested.
Recalls the command from the previous command list by number (for example,
!3 will recall the third command from the command list.
Return codes
All commands return an XML response containing a 32-bit result code, and a description of the
result. Example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<gauche version="1.0">
<response description="Succeeded" result="0"/>
Success results are non-negative values, while negative values indicate an error. Many errors
returned by LeftHand OS do not return ordinal values that can be conveniently mapped into an
API and CLI return code. In all cases, the error description string is returned, but it is not feasible
to return a sensible ordinate value (other than GaucheGeneralError) without parsing the description
DescriptionOS StatusValueResult
Everything succeeded normally00CliqSuccess
Operation has succeeded, but nothing was done (the
system was already in the requested state).
Operation has not failed, but is not yet complete. The
"handle" parameter contains a value that can be used
to query and cancel the operation.
Operation was cancelled or abandonded.33CliqOperationAbandoned
Operation found no objects.44CliqNothingFound
This snapshot was a part of the snapshot set.55CliqSnapshotSet
Warning: The writer operation failed.66CliqVssSnapshotWarning
Warning: Point in time snapshot is created.77CliqPITSnapshotWarning
The operation succeeded but a parameter was ignored
as it is not applicable.
An unexpected error has occurred.1280x80001001CliqUnexpected
The XML given is not well-formed.1290x80001002CliqXmlError
The parameter is not specified correctly.1300x80001003CliqParameterFormat
A parameter is repeated.1310x80001004CliqParameterRepeat
The command method is missing.1320x80001005CliqMissingMethod
One or more expected parameters are missing.1330x80001006CliqMissingParameter
This command is unrecognized.1340x80001007CliqUnrecognizedCommand
This parameter is unrecognized.1350x80001008CliqUnrecognizedParameter
Two or more parameters supplied are incompatible
with each other.
Return codes 11