HP EVA Updating Product Software Guide (xcs10001000) (5697-2423, December 2012)

2 Preparing for the upgrade
Before starting the XCS upgrade, you should perform several tasks to minimize the time required
to complete the upgrade. The tasks you perform depend on your system configuration and the HP
P6000 Command View implementation. These tasks focus on upgrading system components to
ensure they meet the supported configuration for XCS 10001000. Table 8 (page 39) provides a
checklist so you can track your progress as you perform these pre-upgrade tasks.
Checking the controller software version
Estimated time to complete: About 5 minutes
When to perform: Anytime before the upgrade
To check your controller software version, follow these steps:
1. Open HP P6000 Command View.
2. In the navigation pane, select the array you plan to upgrade.
The Initialized Storage System Properties window opens. The version field shows the current
Checking management software versions
Estimated time to complete: 10–15 minutes
When to perform: Anytime before the upgrade
When upgrading the system software, you must upgrade related management software to the
required version. Use Table 2 (page 8) to collect version information for your current software.
NOTE: For details on array software compatibility, see Table 1.0, HP P6000 software solution
compatibility and Table 2.0, HP P6000 Command View interoperability support, in the HP P6000
Enterprise Virtual Array Compatibility Reference. See “Reference documentation” (page 6) for
the link to this document.
Table 2 Management software version worksheet
Upgrade procedureLocating version information
Minimum required
“Upgrading HP P6000 Command
View” (page 30)
9.4HP P6000
1. Open HP P6000 Command
2. Click Help in the Session
pane. The HP P6000
Command View Online Help
window opens and the version
is displayed.
“Upgrading HP P6000 Replication
Solutions Manager (optional)” (page
5.3HP P6000
1. Open or browse to HP P6000
Replication Solutions
(if installed)
2. Select HelpAbout from the
menu bar. The version of HP
Replication Solutions Manager
server is displayed.
8 Preparing for the upgrade