HP XP P9000 Audit Log User and Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
The result of operation.Result
Normal end: Normal end, Error (xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end
xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code
The number of LDEVs set for journalsNum. of LDEVs
The number of journals.Num. of JNLs
[Cnt Ac-J] Journal-Vol
07xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,1,,
[Cnt Ac-J],Journal-Vol,Delete-JNL,Normal end,
+{LDKC,JNL,Result}=[{0x00,0x001,Normal end},{0x00,0x003,
Normal end},{0x00,0x005,Normal end}],Num. of JNLs=3
Basic information
The parameter Delete-JNL indicates that the journal is deleted.
Detailed information
The LDKC number to which the journal belongs.LDKC
The journal number.JNL
The result of operation.Result
Normal end: Normal end, Error (xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end
xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code
The number of journals.Num. of JNLs
[Cnt Ac-J] Paircreate
07xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,1,,
[Cnt Ac-J],Paircreate,,Normal end,
MirrorID,S/N,CTRLID,Priority,CTG,Initial Copy,M-JNL,
R-JNL,Path Gr. ID,Error Level,Result}
Entire,0x001,0x001,Default,Mirror,Normal end},
Mirror,Normal end}],Num. of Pairs=2
Detailed information
The port number, host group number, and LUN of the primary data volume.P-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN)
The port number, host group number, and LUN of the secondary data volume.S-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN)
The mirror ID.MirrorID
Continuous Access Journal descriptions 203