HP XP P9000 Audit Log User and Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
xxxx: part code, yyyy: error code
The number of the deleted tasks.Num. of Tasks
[BASE] Disable Auto Delete
07xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,1,,
[BASE],Disable Auto Delete,,Normal end,
+{Task Name,Type,User Name,Submission Time,Result}
=[{20100101-EditSubsystem,Edit Subsystem,User01,
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS,Normal end},{20100101-CreateLdev,
Create LDEV,User02,YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS,Normal end}],
Num. of Tasks=2
Detailed information
The task name that the disable auto delete operation was performed.Task Name
Type of the task.Type
ID of the user who performed the operation.User Name
Time when the task was registered.Submission Time
Result of the operationResult
Normal end: normal end, Error (xxxx-yyyy): Abnormal end, -: not selected
xxxx: part code, yyyy: error code
Number of the target tasks.Num. of Tasks
[BASE] Edit SIM Syslog Serv
07xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,1,,
[BASE],Edit SIM Syslog Serv,,Normal end,
+Location Identification Name=ABCDEFGHIJK,Send a test message=Yes
+{Server,SIM Transfer,IP Version,IPAdress,Port Number}
=[{Primary Server,Enable,IPv4,xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,xxx},
{Secondary Server,Disable,-,-,-}]
Detailed Information
The location identification information of the storage system. When the SIM Transfer is set
to Disable for the both primary and secondary syslog servers, a hyphen (-) is displayed.
Location Identification
After the setting, this indicates whether a test message has been sent to the syslog server or
not. When the SIM Transfer is set to Disable for the both primary and secondary syslog
servers, a hyphen (-) is displayed.
Send a test message
Yes: Sent a test message
No: Did not send a test message
The syslog server to which the SIM syslog is notifiedServer
BASE descriptions 57