HP XP P9000 Audit Log User and Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
E-Mail descriptions
[E-Mail] MailAddress Write
07xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,1,,
[E-Mail],MailAddress Write,,Normal end,
+{SMTP AUTH,Account}={Enable,Account}
{usr3@co.jp,TO},{usr4@co.jp,CC}, [snip] {usr25@co.jp,CC},
{usr31@co.jp,BCC}],Num. of Accounts=32
Detailed information
The specification type of the server.MailServerSetting
HostName: Host name, IP Address: IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
The SMTP server domain name or IP address.MailServer
If IP address is specified, the address divided by periods means IPv4 address and the address
divided by colons means IPv6 address.
Indicates whether the SMTP authentication is enabled or disabled. Disable or Enable will appear.SMTP AUTH
SMTP server account.Account
Mail source address.FromAddress
Return mail address. If you want to receive the reply to another mail address, you can specify
the desired address by using ReturnAddress.
The number of the mail addresses that have been registered as a destination.UsedCount
Mail addresses of a destination. Thirty-two addresses are always displayed.ToAddressList
If a mail address is not specified, {-,-} is displayed instead of mail address and attribute.
Attributes (TO, CC, or BCC) of the destination mail addresses.Attribute
The number of the displayed destination mail addresses. The displayed mail addresses may not
have an account setting.
Num. of Accounts
[E-Mail] Valid Flag Update
07xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,1,,
[E-Mail],Valid Flag Update,,Normal end,
Detailed information
Indicates whether the mail notice is enabled or disabled. Disable or Enable will appear.MailNoticeSetting
E-Mail descriptions 65