HP XP7 Audit Log User and Reference Guide (H6F56-96001)

Table Of Contents
+{Micro Kind, Old Ver, New Ver}
=[{DKCMAIN, 7000320000,7000320001},
{SVP, 70003200, 70003201}],Num. of Kinds=2
Detailed Information
The media which the microcode to be exchanged is stored (CD-ROM:CD-ROM, HD: Hard
Disk, HD Backup: HDD Backup (version down), or Remote: Remote transfer).
Micro Media
The method to exchange the microcode.Exchange How
Online: Exchanging the microcode online, Offline: Exchanging the microcode offline.
The reboot group (By 1/2, By 1/4, By 1/8 or By One). However, it is not output when
microcode is changed offline, or MP reboot is not executed.
Reboot Grp.
The kind of microcodeMicro Kind
The old version number of the microcodeOld Ver
The new version number of the microcodeNew Ver
The number of types of microcodesNum. of Kinds
[Install] MP Install
08xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,SVP,uid=user-name,1,,
[Install],MP Install,,Normal end,
+Micro Program
+Target MP={MP00-1MA,MP01-1MA,MP02-1MA},Num. of MPs=3
Detailed Information
The kind of microcode installedMicro Program
The number of types of installed microcodesNum. of Kinds
The mounting location of the installed processorTarget MP
The number of processors installedNum. of MPs
[Install] M/F DCR
08xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,SVP,uid=user-name,1,,
[Install],M/F DCR,,Normal end,
++{Define,Mode,Prestaging,Start CC-HH,End CC-HH}
Num. of DCR Settings=3
Install Descriptions 89