8.14.01 HP Utility Meter User's Guide (June 2009)

Hardware maintenance is covered by the standard warranty that comes with the HP Integrity server. Software
support is delivered by the local country's HP Response Center.
1.6 Data Sent to HP
Usage data flows from UPS resources (PPU partitions, URS disk arrays, and URS SAN switches) to the Utility
Meter. The Utility Meter encrypts the data and transmits it over the Internet to HP. No usage data, invoices,
or other potentially sensitive information ever flows from HP into your Utility Meter, PPU partitions, or URS
1.7 Missing Usage Reports
IMPORTANT: HP requires that an email address is configured (and monitored) as the Utility Meter's system
contact. This ensures that notification email is sent to the designated Utility Meter's system contacts in case
HP does not receive PPU or URS usage reports from the Utility Meter.
An email alias or distribution list, which can contain more than one person's email address, is recommended
so that the email alias is controlled independently from the Utility Meter's configuration data. For details of
configuring a Utility Meter system contact, see Configuring the Utility Meter Parameters.
PPU and URS usage reports are written to the /var/opt/meter/sent directory. The Utility Meter system
retains the last 90 days of usage reports. For a complete history of your usage reports, go to the Utility
Pricing Solutions (UPS) Web portal. (For details of the UPS portal, see Utility Pricing Solutions Web Portal.)
HP computes the average system usage every day. If on any given day usage data was collected for a
minimum of 23/24 percent of the time the meter was running, the PPU or URS computing resources are
considered to have sufficient usage data to compute the daily average. If HP does not receive sufficient data,
missing data rule
is triggered.
Depending on the type of HP Utility contract (PPU or URS), the following usage is billed:
PPU — The missing data rule is based on the last-computed day’s usage for the first 14 (calendar) days
of missing data. After 14 days, HP assumes 100% utilization for PPU computing resources that did not
report usage.
URS — The missing data rule is based on the last-computed day’s usage for URS resources (disk arrays
or SAN switches) that did not report usage.
If, for whatever reason, HP does not receive PPU or URS usage data for two consecutive days, the Utility
Meter system contact is notified through email and HP applies the missing data rule to derive usage for the
PPU or URS computing resources with missing usage data.
You can use the Utility Pricing Solutions Portal (http://www.hp.com/go/payperuse) to determine whether
HP is receiving usage data or if the missing data rule has been applied to derive data.
It is imperative that the customer works with HP to repair any communications breakdown
so that an accurate invoice is delivered to the customer
Most often a problem occurs after one of the following situations:
A new PPU WBEM partition was created without installing the required WBEM components.
A new PPU Agent partition was created without installing the PPU Agent software on the partition.
A new PPU WBEM partition was created, the required WBEM components were installed, but the
partition was not configured for being metered at the Meter device. For details, see Verify PPU WBEM
Partition/Server Configuration.
A new PPU Agent partition was created, the PPU Agent software was installed, but not properly
configured by using the appropriate command on the PPU partition. For details, see Verify PPU Agent
The PPU WBEM partition configuration information has changed since the PPU WBEM Partition/Server
was added using the Utility Meter GUI.
The WWN of the management board of the switch has changed since the switch was added using the
Utility Meter GUI.
1.6 Data Sent to HP 21