8.14.01 HP Utility Meter User's Guide (June 2009)

T2805AA.UPS-Meter 8.14.01 HP Utility Pricing Metering Software
To verify the hostname for the Utility Meter, run the uname command:
# /usr/bin/uname -a
HP-UX mysystem B.11.31 U ia64 4049074141 unlimited-user license
In this example, mysystem is the hostname.
To check the status of the Utility Meter software, log in as root and execute the following command:
# /sbin/init.d/umeter status
You should see
, and
in the status output. If you do not, then restart the
Utility Meter processes. First stop and then start the processes:
# /sbin/init.d/umeter stop
# /sbin/init.d/umeter start
Inspect the following Utility Meter log files for such terms as ERROR, FAILURE, WARNING:
If you are uncertain about the installation of the Utility Meter software, execute the swverify command:
NOTE: The following command is for PPU installations. For URS installations, replace “T2805AA
with “T5462A.
# /usr/sbin/swverify T2805AA
To reinstall the Utility Meter software, see Chapter 2: “Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software”.
5.3 Troubleshooting a Device
The most prominent reason why HP does not receive usage data from a Utility Meter is because the file-transfer
connection between the Utility Meter and HP is broken. This broken connection is apparent if there is a large
amount of usage reports in the directory: /var/opt/meter/out. This directory should not contain many
usage report files, if any.
The following sections contain troubleshooting information for storage and WBEM Partitions/Servers:
Troubleshooting a Storage Device
Troubleshooting a WBEM Device
5.3.1 Troubleshooting a Storage Device
This section contains general tips on how to troubleshoot a Utility Meter with configured storage devices. If
you are having trouble with this type of configuration, here is a list of possible reasons:
The storage device is down or unreachable.
The Command View server is down or is unreachable by its disk arrays.
The network connectivity between the Command View server and the Utility Meter is broken.
The Utility Meter is down or is unreachable (broken network connection).
5.3 Troubleshooting a Device 91