HP ProLiant Storage Server Release Notes (January 2006)

Storage Server release notes 25
Issue: List boxes do not scroll properly
Description Some versions of Internet Explorer fail to scroll through list boxes that are scrolled
out of view from the browser window and then scrolled back into view.
Workaround Maximize the browser window so that the entire list box is displayed.
Issue: DFS root does not update on file share page
Description If a DFS root is created and enabled by default on shares, and then re-created
later under a new name, the File Share page does not update the DFS local root
information and attempts to create DFS entries under the old name.
Workaround Access the Distributed File System Properties page, update the default DFS
information, and then click OK. The File Share page now contains the proper
DFS information.
Issue: FAT and FAT32 volumes are not displayed on the Volumes main page
Description FAT and FAT32 volumes are not displayed on the Volumes main page.
Workaround Because the Disks > Volumes main page of the WebUI can only manage NTFS
volumes, the page only displays NTFS volumes.
Issue: Storage Manager not localized in the WebUI
Description Storage Manager is not localized in the WebUI when the language is changed
to Japanese. String IDs appear where the localized strings should be after
Japanese is selected.
Workaround Perform the following steps:
1. Access Add or Remove Programs located in the Control Panel
a. Uninstall KB840141.
b. Uninstall Storage Manager.
2. Reboot.
3. Navigate to c:\hpnas\components\storagemanager.
4. Install Storage Manager with English and Japanese selected.
5. Install KB840141.
Issue: Array Configuration Utility in the WebUI fails to start
Description When accessing the WebUI Array Configuration Utility (ACU) from the Array
Management page, the ACU fails to start correctly.
Workaround Terminal service into the device, and start the ACU setup from the local desktop
(Start > Programs > HP System Tools > HP Array Configuration Utility > Setup HP
Array Configuration Utility). A dialog box is displayed that asks you to select an
Execution Mode. Choose Remote Service Mode. The ACU is now available from
within the WebUI.