HP Reference Information Storage System v1.6 Administrator Guide (T3559-96073, July 2007)

This eld will be automatically populated with the name of the person perf orming the installation
and LocalDomainServers.
•UseOptions to specify the installation options.
Select Autom atically create replicas if you want to create the Email Miner replicas during the
Installation. If you do NOT select this option, the Email Miner replicas are not automatically
created and must then be de p loyed manually.
Select Delete exis ting databases if you want the installation process to delete any existing Email
Miner databases that might exist on the selected ser vers. If you do NOT select this option, the
installation skips any servers that currently contain the Email Miner databases.
3. Install:
•ClickInstall to begin the installation.
The installation process displays the tasks being performed. The results from this process are
saved within the installation database.
Additional servers installation
If Email Miner already exists on at least one server in your infrastructure AND you want to install it on
additional servers, you will need to perform an Additional Ser vers Installation. If you have NOT installed
Email Miner on any server within your infrastructure, see Initial installation.
For a Email Miner Additional Servers Installation, perform the following steps:
1. Select Actions | 2. Additional Servers Installation.
Figure 52 Additional Servers installatio n
2. Specify the values:
•UseSer vers to specify the ser vers where Email Miner is to be installed.
•UseOptions to specify the installation options.
Select Autom atically create replicas if you want to create the Email Miner replicas during the
installation. If you do NOT select this option, the Email Miner replicas will not be automatically
created and must then be de p loyed manually.
Email Miner version P2.0 for Lotus N otes installation guide