HP Reference Information Storage System v1.6 Administrator Guide (T3559-96073, July 2007)

Multiple restri
Multiple Docum
ent Mail Restrictions can exist for different folders/views with different retention periods.
For example, a restriction m anaging the Inbox can exist with a retention period of 90 days, as well as a
second restriction managing the Sent view with a retention period of 180 days.
If two Document Mail Restrictions have the same priority and different retentions for the same folder, the
restriction that was last modied will take precedence.
To create and complete a Mail Restriction, per form the following steps:
Select Create | Administration | 2. Mail Restriction.
Figure 64 Creating a mail restriction
•UseStatus to specify the status of the Mail Restriction.
Select Enabled to activate the Mail Restriction. This allows the Mail Restriction to be processed
by the Email Miner agent.
Select Disabled to deactivate the Mail Restriction.
•UseTitle to specify a title for the Mail Restriction. This value does not affect processing.
•UsePriority to specify the priority of the Mail Restriction. This allows you to create multiple
mail restrictions for the sam e process; Email Miner uses the Mail Restriction that has the
For instance, two mail restrictions exist, the rst with a priority of 1, and the second with a priority
of 2. The rst one is applicable to all mail users, but the second is only applicable to a group.
When Email Miner processes a m ail user that belongs to the specied group, the Mail Restriction
that has a priority of 2 will be used. Conversely, when Email Miner processes a mail user that
does NOT belong to the specied group, the Mail Restriction that has a priority of 1 will be used.
If two Mail Restrictions exist that m anag e the same process for the same mail user with the same
priority, the Mail Restriction that was last modied will take precedence.
There is an exception to this rule: If two Mail Restrictions of the same type have an identical
priority for the same mail user, and one is set to NOT process the Mail Restriction and the
other is set to process the Mail Restriction, the Mail Restriction that is set to NOT pro cess the
Mail Restriction takes precedenc e.
•UseComments to specify any Mail Restriction spec ic comments that you want to make
regarding the Mail Restriction. This value does not affect processing.
Version 1.6 165