HP StorageWorks Reference Information Storage System V1.4 Administrator Guide (T3559-96027, March 2006)

Tabl e 122 Link s from Status Grid view
"Host Detail"o
View Host Statu
"Service Detail" on page 57 View Service Status Detail . . .
"Service Overview" on page 61 View Service Overview . . .
"Overview" on page 30 View Status Summary . . .
Status Grid view, for all host groups View Status Grid For All Host Groups, when viewing Status Grid for
single host group
Displaying specichostgroups
Click the host group name, such as Smart Cells. The Service Detail view appears. See "Service
ge 57.
Click the hos
t group's parenthetical abbreviation, such as (sc). The Hostgroup Information view appears.
See "Hostgr
oup Information" on page 98.
Displaying specichosts
IntheHostcolumn,clickthehostgroupname,suchasSmartCells. The Host Information view appears.
See "Host Information" on page 100.
In the Host c olumn, click the host status-signal icon ( ). The Service Detail view appea rs. See
"Service Detail"onpage57.
ng specicservices
In the Ser
vice column, click the service name. The Service Information view appears. See "Service
External Command Interface
Use this view to run commands that perform actions. Some commands allow or require additional
command information. Fields labeled in red are required input. To run a command, enter command
information, and click Commit.ClickingRese t clears all input elds.
Some commands are applicable to individual hosts or services, all hosts of a host group, or all ser vices
running on a host. External commands include:
Shut down (stop) Nagios process (PCC monitoring), so RISS is n o longer monitored.
Restart Nagios process (PCC monitoring).
Enable or disable sending notica tions for hosts or services. See "Example: Enabling or disabling
Enable or disable host or service checks (monitoring).
Add host or ser vice comments. See "Example: Adding comments"onpage111.
Schedule host or service downtimes.
Schedule immediate check of all services on host.
Reschedule next check of service.
Platform Control Center (PCC)