HP StorageWorks Reference Information Storage System V1.4 Administrator Guide (T3559-96027, March 2006)

Disabling or ena
bling service checks
Click the X icon ( )orcheck-markicon( ) to disable or enable service checks, respectively. The
External Command Interface view appears, where you conrm enabling or disabling. See "External
Command Interface" on page 110.
Rescheduling s
Click the wristwatch icon ( ) to reschedule service. The External Command Interface view appears. If
you select the Force Check check box in the External Command Interface view, service is checked at
newly schedul
ed time even if ser vice is disabled at that time.
Reporting folder
Email Reporter
Use this view
to congure sum m a ry m onitoring reports to be sent periodically to email recipients you
choose. You c
hoose report types to send a nd how often to send them.
For e ach report t ype (ReportTypes), Detailed and TextSummary, select a reporting period
(NoticationGroups) and any number of email recipients (Members). For example, you might make the
following conguration choices:
Send Detailed report Once_A_Day to abc@mycompany.com and name@abc.org
Send TextS
ummary report Every_Two_Hours to myself@myisp.com
Send TextSummary report Every_Eight_Hours to mycolleague@isp.com
Table 61 Email Reporter view features
Currently congured email report types.
Select report type:
Detailed: HTML report of host and service problems, smart cell
information, performance graphs, and exceptions. See "Detailed email
TextSummary: Plain-text ASC I I report of domain-specic information such as
storage size, host and service problems, and locations of exceptions. See
"Text summary email reports" on page 72. Suitable for mobile em ail devices.
If the report type you want to congure is not yet listed, select it from the pull-down
list, and click Add.
To cancel all Detailed or TextSummary email reports, select type, and click Delete.
NoticationGroups Currently congured email report periods. Select how often to send email report.
If the period you want is not listed, select it from the pull-down li st, and click Add.
To cancel all email reports scheduled for given period, select period, and click
Recipient email addresses for report corresponding to selected ReportTypes and
NoticationGroups elds.
To add recipient, enter email address, and click Add.
T o remove recipient, select email address, and click Delete.
See Also
"Detailed email repor ts"onpage71and"Text sum m ary ema il reports" on page 72 for
information about interpreting report emails.
Platform Control Center (PCC)