HP StorageWorks Reference Information Storage System V1.4 Administrator Guide (T3559-96027, March 2006)

The same color coding is used in both charts: State History and State B reakdowns. See "Host and service
status values" on page 29 for more information. The additional value Indeterminate used in these charts
generally indicates time the entire system (site) was not operational.
In addition to report features described previously, the report view has an input form at the upper right
you can use to update the report. After changing report options, click Update to regenerate the report
with new options.
Report period, and so on, with the addition of the Zoom factor. The Zoom factor affects how much each
mouse click zooms into the Status History chart (see State Histor y feature). A larger factor zo oms more.
Related Views
"Availability" on page 75 lets you create a report on availability of individual hosts, services, or
host groups over given time periods.
"Aler ts History" on page 84 shows logged alerts.
"Creating availability reports" on page 77 shows number of alerts of different types for hosts
and/or services.
Table 64 Links to Trends view
left menu
host or service
View T r ends For This Host/Service
status bar chart
"Creating availability
reports" on p age 77
View Tr en
ds For This Host/Service
"Alerts History" on p age 84
View Tr ends For This Host/Service
"Notications"onpage78 ViewTrendsForThisHost/Service
"Host Information" on page 100
View Tr e
nds For This Host
"Service Information" on page 104
View Trends For This Service
Trends view of service
View Trends For This Host
Table 65 Links from Trends view
Trends view for host this service is
running on (when view shows service
View Trends For This Host
or service
View Availability Report For This Host/Service
ing availability
reports" on page 77 for host
or service
View Alert Histogram For This Host/Service
"Service Detail"onpage57forhost
(when view shows host trends)
View Status Detail For This Host
"Alerts History"onpage84forhost
or service
View Alert History For This Host/Service
or service
View Notications For This Host/Service
Platform Control Center (PCC)