HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

Class keys/properties
CommentsDescriptionProperty Name
The CreationClassName of the
scoping system.
The name of the scoping system.
Same as HPSVSP_StorageAppli-
Indicates the name of the class used
in the creation of instances.
The name of the one instance in this
SVSP domain
Class associations
PropertyToAssociation name
HPSVSP_SCSIProtocolController :
HPSVSP_ManagedProtocolController :
HPSVSP_StorageAppliance :
: CIM_HostedService
Expose paths
Method overview
This method creates or modifies a LUN Mapping Snapshot by exposing one or more StorageVirtualDisks
to HPSVSP_HostInitiatorPorts. In VSM terms, this method exposes a virtual disk or snapshot to a
collection of hosts.
The method parameters are interpreted as follows:
The LUNames parameter contains strings specifying the Name property of existing instances of
HPSVSP_SnapshotName or HPSVSP_Virtual HPSVSP_VirtualDiskName (snapshot or virtual disk).
When used as input, the ProtocolControllers parameter must contain one reference to an existing
HPSVSP_SCSIProtocolController. When used as an output parameter, the ProtocolControllers
parameter contains references to any HPSVSP_SCSIProtocolControllers created as a result of the
mapping creation or modification.
The InitiatorPortIDs parameter, if specified, must contain one or more strings. The string(s) must
contain the StorageID property of HPSVSP_HostInitiatorPorts instances. The set of InitiatorPorts
must be one or more subsets of ports each of which correspond exactly to a set of HBAs connected
to a host.
The TargetPortIDs parameter is ignored since HPSVSP_ProtocolControllerMaskingCapabilities-
PortsPerSnapshot = "All ports share the same snapshot".
Masking and Mapping Profile100