HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

IN/OUTCommentsTypeParameter Name
IN/OUT (Required)
An array of references to SCSIProtocolCon-
trollers (SPCs). On input, this can be null,
or contain exactly one element; there may
be multiple references on output. If null on
input, the instrumentation will create one
or more new SPC instances. If an SPC is
specified, the instrumentation will attempt
to add associations to one or more existing
SPCs. If the first array element is a valid
SPC reference and SCSI semantics can be
preserved, the instrumentation must attach
associations to the specified SPC. If mul-
tiple elements are non-null on input, the in-
strumentation must report an invalid para-
meter. On output, this is an array of refer-
ences to SPCs created or modified as the
result of processing the request.
troller ref
Method overview
This method removes logical units from a ProtocolController. In VSM terms, this method unmaps virtual
disks or snapshots from hosts. The following steps itemize processing of the invocation:
1. The ProtocolControllers parameter must contain exactly one reference to an existing protocol
storage system. For HidePath operations, SMI-S defines three valid use calls and since this profile
specifies AllPortsShareSameSnapshot this reduces to two.
2. I. LUNames parameter <> NULL
3. II. LUNames parameter == NULL, InitiatorPortIDs <> NULL.
Method parameters
IN/OUTCommentsTypeParameter Name
IN (Optional)
If specified, this contains an array
of strings, each of which repres-
ents one HPSVSP_HostInitiator-
OUT (Unused)Ignore this parameter.CIM_ConcreteJob refJob
In (Optional)
If specified, this contains an array
of strings which represent the
Name Keys of <IN (Optional) or
Masking and Mapping Profile102