HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

Method overview
The ModifySynchronization method modifies (or starts a task to modify) the synchronization association
between two storage objects. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob
instance was created. If 0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob was started and a reference to this Job
is returned in the Job output parameter. A return value of 1 indicates the method is not supported. All
other values indicate some type of error condition.
The values that may be returned from an invocation of this method are:
0 ("Job Completed with No Error")
1 ("Not Supported")
2 ("Unspecified Error")
3 ("Time-out")
4 ("Failed")
5 ("Invalid Parameter")
6 ("In Use")
0x1000 ("Method Parameters Checked - Job Started")
5 ("Invalid Parameter") is returned if any of the following are true:
The Operation argument is not specified or specifies an unsupported value.
ElementName exceeds MaxLen.
The Synchronization argument is not specified or does not identify an existing StorageSynchronized
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