HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

Object model diagram
Object model summary
The HPSVSP_ApplianceComponent Association class aggregates all non-top-level ComputerSystems
of this profile to the top-level ComputerSystem HPSVSP_StorageAppliance, defining the topology
of the system. There shall be one instance of this class for each instance of the non-top-level
ComputerSystems defined in this profile:
The HPSVSP_ServerGroupIdentity and HPSVSP_DPMGroupIdentity associations define the
Redundancy Topology of the system. These classes associate elements that represent different aspects
of the one virtual ComputerSystemthe top level ComputerSystem, and the collections of
ComputerSystems that provide redundancy for the system.
HPSVSP_DPMGroupMember and HPSVSP_ServerGroupMember are used to establish membership
of HPSVSP_StorageVirtualizationServer and
Multiple Computer System Profile32