Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Eighth Edition, March 2008

Building an HA Cluster Configuration
Managing the Running Cluster
Chapter 5194
Here is an example of the $SGAUTOSTART file:
#*************************** CMCLUSTER *************************
# Highly Available Cluster configuration
# @(#) $Revision: 82.2 $
# Automatic startup is the process in which each node individually
# joins a cluster. If a cluster already exists, the node attempts
# to join it; if no cluster is running, the node attempts to form
# a cluster consisting of all configured nodes. Automatic cluster
# start is the preferred way to start a cluster. No action is
# required by the system administrator. If set to 1, the node will
# attempt to join/form its CM cluster automatically as described
# above. If set to 0, the node will not attempt to join its CM
# cluster.