Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Eighth Edition, March 2008

Configuring Packages and Their Services
Generating the Package Configuration File
Chapter 6 229
Generating the Package Configuration File
When you have chosen the configuration modules your package needs
(see “Choosing Package Modules” on page 201), you are ready to generate
a package configuration file that contains those modules. This file will
consist of a base module (failover, multi-node or system multi-node) plus
the modules that contain the additional parameters you have decided to
Before You Start
Before you start building a package, create a subdirectory for it in the
$SGCONF directory, for example:
mkdir $SGCONF/pkg1
(See “Understanding the Location of Serviceguard Files” on page 142 for
information about Serviceguard pathnames.)
cmmakepkg Examples
The cmmakepkg command generates a package configuration file. Some
examples follow; see the cmmakepkg (1m) manpage for complete
information. All the examples create an editable configuration file
pkg1.conf in the $SGCONF/pkg1 directory.
NOTE If you do not include a base module (or default or all) on the
cmmakepkg command line, cmmakepkg will ignore the modules you specify
and generate a default configuration file containing all the parameters.
For a complex package, or if you are not yet sure which parameters you
will need to set, the default may be the best choice; see the first example
You can use the -v option with cmmakepkg to control how much
information is displayed online or included in the configuration file. Valid
values are 0, 1 and 2. -v 0 removes all comments; -v 1 includes a brief
heading for each parameter; -v 2 provides a full description of each
parameter. The default is level 2.