Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Eighth Edition, March 2008

Understanding Hardware Configurations for Serviceguard for Linux
Redundant Network Components
Chapter 228
Rules and Restrictions
The same subnet cannot be configured on different network
interfaces (NICs) on the same node.
For IPv4 subnets, Serviceguard does not support different subnets on
the same LAN interface.
For IPv6, Serviceguard supports up to two subnets per LAN
interface (site-local and global).
Serviceguard does support different subnets on the same bridged
network (this applies at both the node and the cluster level).
Serviceguard does not support using networking tools such as
ifconfig to add IP addresses to network interfaces that are
configured into the Serviceguard cluster, unless those IP addresses
themselves will be immediately configured into the cluster as
stationary IP addresses.
CAUTION If you configure any address other than a stationary IP address on a
Serviceguard network interface, it could collide with a relocatable
package IP address assigned by Serviceguard. See “Stationary and
Relocatable IP Addresses and Monitored Subnets” on page 74.