Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Eighth Edition, March 2008

Cluster and Package Maintenance
Reconfiguring a Package
Chapter 7 293
NOTE All the nodes in the cluster must be powered up and accessible when you
make package configuration changes.
Table 7-2 Types of Changes to Packages
Change to the
Package Required Package State
Add a new
Other packages can be in any state.
Delete a package Package must not be running. You cannot delete a
package if another package has a dependency on
Change package
Package must not be running.
Add a module
Package must not be running.
Delete a module
Package must not be running.
Change run
script contents
(legacy package)
Package should not be running. Timing problems
may occur if the script is changed while the
package is running.
Change halt
script contents
(legacy package)
Package should not be running. Timing problems
may occur if the script is changed while the
package is running.
Add a service Package must not be running.
Remove or
change a service
Package must not be running.
Add a subnet Package must not be running. Subnet must
already be configured into the cluster.
Remove a subnet Package must not be running.