Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Eighth Edition, March 2008

Understanding Serviceguard Software Components
How Packages Run
Chapter 3 65
Figure 3-15 Legacy Package Time Line
At any step along the way, an error will result in the script exiting
abnormally (with an exit code of 1). For example, if a package service is
unable to be started, the control script will exit with an error.
NOTE This diagram is specific to legacy packages. Modular packages also run
external scripts and “pre-scripts” as explained above.
If the run script execution is not complete before the time specified in the
run_script_timeout, the package manager will kill the script. During
run script execution, messages are written to a log file. For legacy
packages, this is in the same directory as the run script and has the same
name as the run script and the extension .log. For modular packages,
the pathname is determined by the script_log_file parameter in the
package configuration file (see page 213). Normal starts are recorded in
the log, together with error messages or warnings related to starting the