Designing Disaster Tolerant High Availability Clusters, 10th Edition, March 2003 (B7660-90013)

Cascading Failover in a Continental Cluster
Data Replication Procedures
Chapter 8 391
3. Once the restore completed, split the BCV devices from the mirror
# symmir -g <recsymdevgrpname> split
The data in the recovery Symmetrix may not be current but should be
consistent. There is no additional procedure needed. The package
control script is programmed to handle this case.
After the application is up and running, re-establish the BCV devices as
mirrors of the standard devices for an additional copy of the data:
# symmir -g <recsymdevgrpname> est
Failback from the Recovery Cluster to the Primary Site
The current configuration doesnt support the application failback to the
primary site in the primary cluster unless the secondary site in the
primary cluster is up and running. The secondary site has to be repaired
first. The application can temporarily fail back to the secondary site
while the primary site is still down. Before the application can fail back
to either the secondary site or the primary site, the current data need to
be restored from the recovery Symmetrix to the secondary Symmetrix
and the primary Symmetrix.
Data Restore and Failback from the Recovery Cluster to the
Secondary Site within the Primary Cluster
This procedure is used in situation where the application fails back and
runs on the secondary site while the primary site is still down.
1. Halt the ContinentalClusters monitor package.
2. Halt the ContinentalClusters recovery packages at the recovery site.
3. Split the BCV/R1 from the mirror group if it's not already in the split
The following example shows the command if run on a host that
connects to the recovery Symmetrix:
# symmir -f <secbcvdev_textfile> -sid <secsymid> split
The <secbcvdev_textfile> is a file that contains a list of the standard
device and BCV device pair in the secondary Symmetrix.
The following shows the command if run on a host that connects to
the secondary Symmetrix: