Designing Disaster Tolerant High Availability Clusters, 10th Edition, March 2003 (B7660-90013)

Configuration File Parameters for ContinentalClusters
Appendix C 421
TEXTLOG Pathname - append the specified message
to a specified text log file.
UDP Nodename:Portnumber - send the specified
message to a UDP port on the specified node.
Any number of notifications may be associated with a
given alert or alarm.
PRIMARY_PACKAGE Clustername/Packagename
This is a pair of names: the name of a cluster as defined
in the MC/ServiceGuard cluster configuration ASCII
file, followed by a slash (/), followed by the name of
the primary package as defined in the
MC/ServiceGuard package configuration ASCII file.
Maximum size is 81 characters.
This is a name for the set of related primary packages
on one cluster and the recovery packages on another
cluster that protect the primary packages. The
maximum size is 40 characters.
You create a recovery group for each package that
should be started on the recovery cluster in case of a
failure on the primary cluster. A PRIMARY_PACKAGE and
RECOVERY_PACKAGE should be associated with each
RECOVERY_PACKAGE Clustername/Packagename
This is a pair of names: the name of the recovery
cluster as defined in the MC/ServiceGuard cluster
configuration ASCII file, followed by a slash (/),
followed by the name of the recovery package as
defined in the MC/ServiceGuard package configuration
ASCII file. Maximum size is 81 characters.