Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit Version B.03.00 Release Notes, March 2006 (T1909-90034)

Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit Version B.03.00 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements
Chapter 1 11
What Manuals are Available for This Version
The following document is shipped with version B.03.00 of the
Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit:
Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit Version B.03.00 Release Notes,
You should also refer to the following documents when using the
Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit:
Managing Serviceguard Twelfth Edition, (B3936-90100). This
manual was extensively revised for the A.11.17 release and describes
all basic cluster configuration and administration tasks.
Using Serviceguard Extension for RAC, (T1859-90038). This manual
has been developed for the A.11.17 release. It describes the
RAC-specific extensions to Serviceguard that are used in configuring
RAC clusters (formerly known as OPS clusters).
Serviceguard Version A.11.17 Release Notes, (B3935-90091). These
release notes describe the basic cluster functionality available in the
A.11.17 release.
HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite Version A.01.00 Release
Notes, (T2771-90028). These release notes describe suite bundles for
the integration of HP Serviceguard A.11.17 with Symantec’s
VERITAS Storage Foundation product.
The above documents are available on the HP-UX documentation web
site at the following URL:
In addition, review the README file that accompanies the toolkit that is
being used.