HP Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit User Guide (5900-2131, December 2011)

If you need help creating, importing, or managing the volume group or disk group and
filesystem, see Building an HA Cluster Configuration in the Serviceguard user manual
available at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs-> HP Serviceguard.
Configuring shared file system using CFS
The shared file system can be a CFS mounted file system.
To configure an Oracle package in a CFS environment, the Serviceguard CFS packages
need to be running in order for the Oracle package to access CFS mounted file systems.
Create a directory /ORACLE_TEST0 on all cluster nodes. Mount the CFS file system on
/ORACLE_TEST0 using the Serviceguard CFS packages. Use /ORACLE_TEST0 to hold
the necessary configuration information and symbolic links to the Oracle executables.
NOTE: For information on other Volume Managers, see the Managing ServiceGuard
manual available at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs —>HP Serviceguard
4. The control files, table spaces, and redo-log files must be located in the file system
/ORACLE_TEST0 during the initial creation of the database. It is also recommended to configure
trace files and alert logs in /ORACLE_TEST0 for ease of manageability. See Oracle
documentation for information on setting up trace files and alert logs.
5. ORACLE_HOME=/ORACLE_TEST0 needs to be set in the toolkit configuration file haoracle.conf.
6. /ORACLE_TEST0/dbs is the configuration directory for the 'ORACLE_TEST0' database. This
directory contains the Oracle parameter file (pfile/spfile) and the password file for
Symbolic links need to be created for all subdirectories in /home/Oracle other than dbs,
like "/ORACLE_TEST0/bin --> /home/Oracle/bin" and so on.
10 Using the Oracle Toolkit in an HP Serviceguard Cluster