HP Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit User Guide (5900-2131, December 2011)

Table 31 User Configuration Variables (continued)
DescriptionUser Configuration Variables
tomcat are configured, this port needs be unique for each instance. The default
value is 8081.
Specify a time interval in seconds for monitoring the Tomcat instance. The
monitor process checks the Tomcat daemons at this interval to validate they
are running. The default value will be 5 seconds.
MONITOR_INTERVAL (for example,
This variable holds the number of times to attempt to check the 'tomcat' daemon
processes before giving up and exiting to fail state. If not defined, its default
value will be 2.
RETRY_TIMES (for example,
For the alert mail notification feature, an additional parameter called ALERT_MAIL_ID is introduced
in the ADF. It sends an e-mail message to the specified e-mail address when packages fail. This
e-mail is generated only when packages fail, and not when a package is halted by the operator.
To send this e-mail message to multiple recipients, a group e-mail ID must be created and specified
for this parameter. When an e-mail ID is not specified for this parameter, the script does not send
out this e-mail.
The following information provides the steps for configuring the toolkit and running the package.
This includes configuring the Tomcat toolkit user configuration file:
NOTE: Before working on the toolkit configuration, the package directory (for example,
/etc/cmcluster/pkg/tomcat_pkg1) must be created and all toolkit scripts copied to the package
1. Edit the Tomcat Toolkit user configuration file.
In the package directory, edit the user configuration file (hatomcat.conf ) as indicated by
the comments in that file.
For Example:
2. Distribute all package files in the package directory to the other package nodes. All nodes
should have an identical file path for these files. For this example, each package node must
have the following files in the package directory:
For Example:
tomcat_pkg.conf #Package configuration file
tomcat_pkg.cntl #Package control file
hatomcat.conf #Tomcat toolkit user configuration file
hatomcat.mon #Tomcat toolkit monitor program
hatomcat.sh #Tomcat toolkit main script
toolkit.sh #Interface file between the package
#control file and the toolkit
3. Apply the Serviceguard package configuration using the command cmapplyconf -P
Use the same procedures to create multiple Tomcat instances for Serviceguard packages that will
be running on the cluster.
Error Handling
On startup, the Tomcat server application will check for the existence of the server.xml file in
the directory <CATALINA_BASE/conf>. If the configuration file does not exist in this location or if
120 Using Tomcat Toolkit in a HP Serviceguard Cluster