HP Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit User Guide (5900-2131, December 2011)

NOTE: If the package fails during maintenance (for example, the node crashes), the package
will not automatically fail over to an adoptive node. It is the responsibility of the user to start
the package up on an adoptive node. Please refer to the manual Managing ServiceGuard
manual available at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs —>HP Serviceguard
for more details.
This feature is enabled only when the configuration variable MAINTENANCE_FLAG is set to
"yes" in the MySQL toolkit configuration file.
Do's and Don't with MySQL Toolkit
Each of the Toolkits are designed with few assumptions that integrate with the respective application
and with HP Serviceguard. It is recommended to follow the below mentioned guidelines for setting
up the Package using MySQL Toolkit:
1. Name the package name, and the package configuration file name, Package control script
name in a consistent and self-explanatory protocol.
For example, PACKAGE NAME mysql1
Package configuration file mysql1.ascii
Package control script mysql1.cntl
2. Keep the package configuration file, package control file, and toolkit files in separate directories
for each of the packages.
3. Add <Package directory path> /toolkit.sh start | stop in the customer_defined_run_cmds |
customer_defined_halt_cmds functions respectively for the MySQL toolkit.
4. Ensure that the toolkit.sh, hamysql.sh, hamysql.mon and package control script
have execute permission.
Do not enable "HA_APP_SERVER" in package control script for each of the MySQL packages.
For example, #HA_APP_SERVER="pre-IP"
96 Using MySQL Toolkit in a HP Serviceguard Cluster