Managing HP Serviceguard A.11.20.20 for Linux, March 2014

Printing History
Table 1
EditionPart NumberPrinting Date
FirstB9903-90005November 2001
FirstB9903-90012November 2002
SecondB9903-90012December 2002
ThirdB9903-90033November 2003
FourthB9903-90043February 2005
FifthB9903-90046June 2005
SixthB9903-90050August 2006
SeventhB9903-90054July 2007
EighthB9903-90060March 2008
NinthB9903-90068April 2009
TenthB9903-90073July 2009
NA701460-001June 2012
NA701460-002December 2012
NA701460-003May 2013
NA701460-004February 2014
The last printing date and part number indicate the current edition, which applies to the A.11.20.20
version of HP Serviceguard for Linux.
The printing date changes when a new edition is printed. (Minor corrections and updates which
are incorporated at reprint do not cause the date to change.) The part number is revised when
extensive technical changes are incorporated.
New editions of this manual will incorporate all material updated since the previous edition.