HP Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.19 Release Notes, October 2009

You can now configure a maximum of 300 packages in a cluster. The previous
limit was 150.
There are new Serviceguard demons:
Service Assistant Daemon: cmserviced (replaces cmsrvassistd)
Cluster WBEM Agent Daemon: cmwbemd
Proxy Daemon: cmproxyd
See the section “Serviceguard Daemons” in Chapter 3 of the latest edition Managing
Serviceguard for Linux for more information about these daemons.
About the New Features
New Support for IPv6
Serviceguard A.11.19 allows you to choose either the IPv4 or the IPv6 address family
for any subnet configured into the cluster, including subnets that carry the cluster
heartbeat, and those connected to a Quorum Server.
In addition, with the patches listed under “July 2009 Patches” (page 9), you can
configure an IPv6–only cluster; and the Quorum Server, if used, can also be an IPv6–only
system. The following are the possibilities for resolving the nodes' hostnames (and
Quorum Server hostnames, if any) to network address families:
IPv6-only (requires July 2009 patch)
The default is IPv4. You can change it either by editing the cluster configuration file
and setting the appropriate value for the HOSTNAME_ADDRESS_FAMILY parameter,
or by using the new -a option of cmquerycl (1m). For more information, see About
Hostname Address Families: IPv4-Only, IPv6-Only, and Mixed Mode” in Chapter 4 of
the latest version of Managing Serviceguard, at the address given under “Documents
for This Version (page 37).
Some restrictions apply, as follows.
Rules and Restrictions for IPv6-Only Mode
You cannot use DNS or NIS for name resolution in an IPv6–only cluster.
You cannot use WBEMProvider or the SNMP Subagent in an IPv6–only cluster.
Red Hat 5 clusters are not supported.
NOTE: This also applies if HOSTNAME_ADDRESS_FAMILY is set to ANY; Red
Hat 5 supports only IPv4-only clusters.
All addresses used by the cluster must be in each node's /etc/hosts file.
In addition, the file must contain the following entry:
16 Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.19 Release Notes