HP Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.19 Release Notes, October 2009

5. Finish the registration process.
At this point you have a license key (an alphanumeric string), usually contained
in a file that HP emails to you. It may also be possible to copy and paste the key
directly from your browser window; in this case you will need to save the key in
a file that you create.
IMPORTANT: In either case, make sure you save the file and make a note of its
path. (The name does not matter. In the Example (page 43) we have called it
Now you are ready to validate the license. Proceed as follows.
Validating the Permanent Licence
IMPORTANT: Make sure you validate the permanent license before the 90–day grace
period for the instant-on license expires.
Follow these steps to validate the permanent license:
1. If the file $SGCONF/AutoPass/LicFile.txt exists, move it to $SGCONF/
$SGCONF/AutoPass/LicFile.txt is created when you first run Serviceguard
for Linux A.11.19; if you have installed but never run this version of Serviceguard
on this system, the file will not exist.
IMPORTANT: Do not delete the original version of $SGCONF/AutoPass/
LicFile.txt; you will need it if the validation of the new license fails for any
reason; see Step 4.
2. Copy the file you saved in Step 5 of “Obtaining a Permanent License” (page 41)
to $SGCONF/AutoPass/LicFile.txt.
3. Run the command cmcheckconf using as input the cluster configuration file that
was used to configure the existing cluster.
If the license in $SGCONF/AutoPass/LicFile.txt is valid, the command will
succeed; otherwise the command will fail with a message indicating that the license
is invalid.
4. If the license is valid, keep the new $SGCONF/AutoPass/LicFile.txt.
If the license is invalid, you can restore the original license by moving
$SGCONF/AutoPass/LicFile.txt.sav to $SGCONF/AutoPass/
42 Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.19 Release Notes