HP Serviceguard Toolkit for NFS on Linux Release Notes (May 2013)

1 HP Serviceguard Toolkit for NFS on Linux Release Notes
The HP Serviceguard Toolkit for NFS on Linux allows you to start, stop, monitor network file system
daemons, and provide high availability for the NFS exports in Serviceguard cluster environment.
The HP Serviceguard Toolkit for NFS toolkit on Linux: Annual Release, May 2013 is available for
free download at:
http://software.hp.com —> HP-UX 11i Software —> High Availability
What is new in this version
This release of HP Serviceguard toolkit for NFS includes support for the following enhancements:
Support for cluster verification feature for NFS toolkit.
NFS toolkit support on RHEL 5.9 and RHEL 6.4.
Validation if unsupported attribute value has been changed by user during online modification.
Legacy packages
You can use the legacy method to create new toolkit packages in the A.03.03.10 toolkit version.
However, HP recommends that you use the modular method to create new toolkit packages. The
legacy style toolkit package does not support online modification of toolkit attribute values.
IMPORTANT: The legacy packages will be obsolete from the next major version of Serviceguard.
Use the cmmigratepkg command to migrate from legacy style of packaging to modular style of
For additional information, see Migrating packages from legacy to modular style White paper at
Compatibility matrix and installation
Compatibility matrix
The compatible versions of HP Serviceguard, Linux OS, and NFS for this toolkit are as follows:
NFS protocol versionLinux OS version
HP Serviceguard
versionToolkit versionToolkit
NFS v2, v3 and v4RHEL 5.7, RHEL 5.8,
RHEL 5.9, RHEL 6.1,
A. Serviceguard
Toolkit for NFS on
Linux RHEL 6.2, RHEL 6.3,
RHEL 6.4 and SLES11
SP1 and SLES11 SP2
For most recent compatibility information, see the latest HP Serviceguard Toolkit Compatibility
Matrix available at:
Release specific information
The release specific details are as follows:
For SLES, Serviceguard NFS toolkit A.03.03.10 is available as update. SGLX_00392 is the
update ID for SLES11. This update must be installed on top of the NFS toolkit version
4 HP Serviceguard Toolkit for NFS on Linux Release Notes