HP Serviceguard Toolkit for NFS on Linux User Guide (May 2013)

HP recommends that you specify the fsid for the directory on the file system that
must be exported. This ensures that permanent device minor number is retained
during the failover to the adoptive node.
Do not configure these exported directories in the /etc/exports file. When an
NFS server boots up, it attempts to export all file systems in its /etc/exports file.
If those file systems are not currently present on the NFS server node, the node does
not boot properly. This happens if the server is an adoptive node for a file system,
and the file system is available on the server only after failover of the primary node.
b. If you want to start and monitor rpc.quotad daemon, set QUOTA_MON to YES. For
If you do not want to start and monitor rpc.quotad daemon, set QUOTA_MON to NO.
For example:
8. Create the Serviceguard binary configuration file.
a. Use your prefered copy utility (for example, scp) to copy the package control, NFS toolkit
package, and monitor scripts to the same path names on all the nodes in the cluster. For
example, to copy the files from the host thyme to the host basil, run the following command
from host thyme:
# scp $SGCONF/NFS/* root@node2:$SGCONF/NFS
b. Use the cmcheckconf command to verify the content of your cluster and package
configuration, and to copy the binary configuration file to all the nodes in the cluster:
# cmcheckconf -P $SGCONF/NFS/pkg.conf
c. Use cmapplyconf command to apply the configuration to all the nodes that are
configured to run the NFS server package.
Use the names of your own package configuration files on your system:
# cmapplyconf -v -P $SGCONF/NFS/pkg.conf
Configuring a modular NFS package
To configure a NFS package using the modular style of packaging:
1. Create a directory for the package on all the cluster nodes using the following command:
# mkdir $SGCONF/NFS
2. cd to the package directory.
3. Create a configuration file, nfs.conf using the following command:
# cmmakepkg -m tkit/nfs/nfs nfs.conf
For Metrocluster, use sg/all module along with DTS/DRS and NFS modules while creating
the package configuration file.
4. Edit the following attributes manually in the package configuration file. Table 3 (page 15)
lists all the attributes that you can manually edit in the package configuration file
14 Using HP Serviceguard toolkit for NFS