Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux Ninth Edition, April 2009

The variable name must be in the form pev_<variable_name> and contain only
alphanumeric characters and underscores. The letters pev (upper-case or lower-case)
followed by the underscore (_) are required.
The variable name and value can each consist of a maximum of MAXPATHLEN
characters (4096 on Linux systems).
You can define more than one variable. See About External Scripts” (page 137), as well
as the comments in the configuration file, for more information.
The full pathname of an external script to be executed before volume groups and disk
groups are activated during package startup, and after they have been deactivated
during package shutdown; that is, effectively the first step in package startup and last
step in package shutdown. New for modular packages.
If more than one external_pre_script is specified, the scripts will be executed on package
startup in the order they are entered into the package configuration file, and in the
reverse order during package shutdown.
See About External Scripts” (page 137), as well as the comments in the configuration
file, for more information and examples.
The full pathname of an external script. This script is often the means of launching and
halting the application that constitutes the main function of the package. New for
modular packages.
The script is executed on package startup after volume groups and file systems are
activated and IP addresses are assigned, but before services are started; and during
package shutdown after services are halted but before IP addresses are removed and
volume groups and file systems deactivated.
If more than one external_script is specified, the scripts will be executed on package
startup in the order they are entered into this file, and in the reverse order during
package shutdown.
See About External Scripts” (page 137), as well as the comments in the configuration
file, for more information and examples. See also service_cmd (page 207).
The system from which a user specified by user_name (page 213) can execute
package-administration commands.
Legal values are any_serviceguard_node, or cluster_member_node, or a specific
cluster node. If you specify a specific node it must be the official hostname (the
hostname portion, and only the hostname portion, of the fully qualified domain
name). As with user_name, be careful to spell the keywords exactly as given.
212 Configuring Packages and Their Services