Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux Ninth Edition, April 2009

E Using Serviceguard Manager
HP Serviceguard Manager is a web-based, HP System Management Homepage (HP
SMH) tool that replaces the functionality of the earlier Serviceguard management tools.
Serviceguard Manager allows you to monitor, administer and configure a Serviceguard
cluster from any system with a supported web browser.
The Serviceguard Manager Main Page provides you with a summary of the health of
the cluster including the status of each node and its packages.
See the Release Notes for your version of Serviceguard for Linux for information about
the latest release of Serviceguard Manager, as well as installation and configuration
About the Online Help System
Once Serviceguard Manager is running, use the Serviceguard Manager tooltips by
moving your mouse over a field from the read-only property pages for a brief definition
for each field. You can also open the online help by clicking the button in the
upper-right hand corner of the screen. Start with the help topic “Understanding the
HP Serviceguard Manager Main Page”. You should also read the help topic “About
Security”, as it explains HP Serviceguard Manager Access Control Policies, as well as
root privileges.
Launching Serviceguard Manager
This section provides information about two common scenarios.
TIP: To prevent an Out of Memory error reported by Tomcat (Exception in
thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space), which
may occur especially if the server is under heavy load or Serviceguard Manager is
managing a large cluster (16 nodes with 300 packages), do the following from the
command line:
1. Stop hpsmhd
/etc/init.d/hpsmhd -stop
2. Modify the /opt/hp/hpsmh/tomcat/bin/ file, and add the
following line in the export statements section:
export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
3. Save the file and restart hpsmhd
/etc/init.d/hpsmhd -start
Scenario 1 - Single cluster management
Scenario 1 applies if you are:
About the Online Help System 325