Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Sixth Edition, August 2006

Planning and Documenting an HA Cluster
Package Configuration Planning
Chapter 4 109
Planning for Expansion
You can add packages to a running cluster. This process is described in
the chapter “Cluster and Package Administration.” When adding
packages, be sure not to exceed the value of MAX_CONFIGURED_PACKAGES
as defined in the cluster configuration file.
When planning on increasing the number of packages, remember that
the use of packages requires 6MB plus about 80KB per package of
lockable memory on each cluster node.
Choosing Switching and Failover Behavior
To determine failover behavior, you can define a package failover policy
that governs which nodes will automatically start up a package that is
not running. In addition, you can define a failback policy that determines
whether a package will be automatically returned to its primary node
when that is possible.
Table 3-3 in the previous chapter describes different types of failover
behavior and settings of parameters in the ASCII package configuration
file that determine each behavior.
Package Configuration File Parameters
Prior to generation of the package configuration file, assemble the
following package configuration data. The following parameters must be
identified and entered on the worksheet
for each package
The name of the package. The package name must be
unique in the cluster. It is used to start, stop, modify,
and view the package. The package name can be from 1
to 39 bytes. It must not contain any of the following
illegal characters: space, slash (/), backslash(\), and
asterisk (*). All other characters are legal.
The type of the package. This parameter indicates valid
type is FAILOVER.